Sunday, 17 August 2014

Snowflakes in July

It may have been very hot and sunny but snowflakes and ice queens were the order of the day for my daughter's July birthday.  Our household like millions of others has fallen under the 'Frozen' spell so a Frozen- inspired party was top of her birthday wish list.

Planning this party was pretty much taken out of my hands with the birthday girl making a very clear (and cute!) 'magical' checklist for me to work from (a future party planner in the making heehee!).

I bought lots of snowflake wall decals from a local discount store and some hanging paper snowflakes (ebay) and turquoise, white and clear balloons.  Along with some personalised posters and bunting this filled walls and spaces creating our icy wonderland!

I wanted the dining tables to look magical and make the girls feel very princessy.  I always tend to use white Ikea 'lack' tables and stools for the party dining tables, and rather than table cloths I bought a white voile-type fabric which was covered in little sparkles (an offcut from ebay) and actually sellotaped it under the tables to keep it in place.  This made the tables look snowy/icy but also very girly and sparkly!  I found the sweetest little snowflake place card holders on ebay which sat beautifully on the opaque plates (A great buy as I will certainly use them at Christmas time too).

It took me quite a while to sort out the tiaras for the girls to wear for the party.  I searched ebay, online party stores, pound shops and bargain stores but could not find anything suitable.  I was about to give up on them when I happened upon a beautiful listing on Etsy 'Its All Your Felt' for uncut embroidered canvas/felt - basically just needed to cut out the tiara shape and thread through a hairband.  They looked amazing and were really easy to assemble (my only advice if you were to buy them would be, to buy one or two spare hairbands as I managed to snap one when first threading on the tiara fabric, before i got the hang of it!). I also ordered matching 'wand' canvas from this very talented seller too.

The cake was a wonderful party centrepiece.  From Gracie's list of a 'doll cake' I got a few ideas from Pinterest (check out my Frozen inspired Pinterest board for my favourite finds) and the amazing Bella Sweetie Cake Design created this gorgeous cake.  Though buying the dolls was not easy! Lots of hours spent checking the Disney Store website until finally they came available - so crazy how difficult it is to get hold of Frozen toys :(


Silver tree's (Etsy) and themed toppers in an assortment of yummy cupcakes.

I also printed themed cushion covers for the 'grown ups area' of the living room as wanted a way to subtly bring the theme into this area without overpowering it all. After the party the cushions are going to be used in the girls bedrooms.

The amazing Emma Enchanted was once again my first choice when Gracie was hoping her much loved princesses would visit her on her birthday.  Songs, dancing, games and stories - so magical!!


For additional activities I also set out beads and charms for making bracelets/necklaces and we repeated the very popular activity from Gracie's Rapunzel party (as it had been such a huge hit!) of making dresses for snow queen dolls (barbie style dolls from the pound shop and reminants of felt and fabric, ribbon and stick on gems).

Cotton printed favour bags were filled with goodies including adorable cookies from Cookie Collaboration.

Cookies by The Cookie Collaboration

An extra special gift for the birthday girl, a beautiful handmade doll by Little Ida Crafts.  Definitely something for her to treasure :)

Chocolate fondue was on the list!  There is a lyric in a Frozen song about chocolate fondue and it has made my daughter so curious to try it - "If Elsa and Anna eat it, it must be good!"  So this was my version of it.  I had considered a chocolate fountain but with all the girls coming to the party in their best princess dresses I was worried about them covering themselves in choc!!  Instead each child had their individual fondue (super easy but they loved them) basically a Cadbury's chocolate 'pot of joy' with lots of snowy treats to dip :)

Hope this gives some inspiration for your snowy soiree's :) Thanks for looking x